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December 28, 2004

"One thing leads to another". So people should think it through carefully before they allow NZ to further steps up the escalation ladder. This also is a strong argument for the Labour Government to resist the lobbying efforts of NZ's arms industry to go further, and reverse the dangerous trends. We thank Labour for maintaining NZ's 1987 Nuclear Free Law, but warn then against being seduced into abandoning it.

Action from PMA and WARP
October 12, 2004

"Made in New Zealand: a label to be proud of ?
Not when it is the label on shoot-to-kill training equipment, grenades, land mines effect simulators, weapons firing control systems, 'special purpose' ammunition, and aerial bombing score systems ...
And not when the label is used by NZ companies that have overseas parent companies involved in the manufacture and deployment of nuclear weapons."
[quote from the new No WARP! leaflet]

by Sheila Samples
December 27, 2004

George W. Bush, their commander-in-chief, calls them "the troops." He says they're on a "noble 'n vital" mission in Iraq. When asked about them, Bush says his "thoughts 'n prayers" go out to them. When shrapnel shreds their limbs or they are blown to bits by bombs, he says he "grieves 'n mourns" for them. Because of the troops, Bush says "America and the world are a safer place (sic)."

December 24, 2004

Professor Boyle is a very informed and perceptive analyst of International Affairs who was educated as a neo-conservative and knows how they think. He shows why, with their twisted ideology, “today’s Neocons are committing war crimes abroad while building a police state at home.” It gives in-depth information which helps predict what, and how far, the Neocon Administration will go.
The following analysis is a result of my extensive research, much of which is on this web site under various headings. I’ve tried to be objective and base my analysis of Bush and his administration and its direction, on fact.

by Robert Fisk
December 19, 2004

nor for his orphaned sons'
...Baha Mousa had been brutally beaten while hooded and tied up--none of the other prisoners suffering with him were ever charged with any crime--by soldiers who gave them the names of footballers. His father was a police colonel and had seen his son before his arrest at a local hotel. He even acquired a note from the arresting officer that Baha would be looked after. His name--typically--was meaningless: it was signed "Second Lieutenant Mike".


Walk Opposes New Nuclear Weapons, Proliferation and War Preparations

December 19, 2004

These articles, give you a quick summary of the nuclear dangers from new weapons, proliferation, a new nuclear arms race, and more likely usage. It is urgent that people support this walk and associated peace actions as there would be no second chances after a nuclear war. All other important concerns and causes would count for nothing if humanity allows a nuclear war to happen. As we all are potential victims, we all have good reasons to learn more about this threat and do something about it. The preparations for a nuclear war continue and the new Bush pre-emptive war and nuclear doctrines make such a war far more likely.
Denial, unconcern and ignorance about the nuclear threat will not make it go away.

by Marcus Atkinson
December 18, 2004

We need people all around the world to organize demonstations at the UN Headquarters in every country !!

December 18, 2004

...In his 1974 book, "The Permanent War Economy," he composed a long list of military trade-offs. The money spent on one Huey helicopter, he said, could buy 66 low-priced homes, while a recent $69 million reduction in child-nutrition programs represented the cost of two DE-1052 destroyer escorts. He added, "To eliminate hunger in America = $4-5 billion = C-5A aircraft program."
Ralph Nader on Seymour Melman:-
Before he passed away this month, Seymour Melman had completed a concise book manuscript titled, "Wars, Ltd.: The Rise and Fall of America's Permanent War Economy". He was having trouble finding a good publisher, when I spoke with him earlier this summer.
But he will leave a legacy of wisdom, insight, humanity, consistency, and diligence. In a society whose rulers and corporatists seal the people off from such magnificent minds and inundate them with trivia, distraction and the hot air artists daily bellowing their lucrative ignorance, sagacious Americans like Seymour Melman will not receive the attention the citizenry deserves unless we the people, who own the public airwaves, begin to control and use our own media rights
For more information, visit www.citizenworks.org

by James Carroll
December 7 , 2004

WHY DON'T we Americans look directly at the war? We avert our gaze, knowing that the situation in Iraq grows more desperate by the day. Vaunted "coalition" efforts to "break the back" of the "insurgency" have only strengthened it. The violence among Iraqis would surely qualify as civil war -- except that only one side is fighting. The structures of relief and repair are gone. Whole cities are destroyed, populations displaced. The hope of Iraqi elections is mortally compromised. "Coalition" members are dropping out. The mission of American force is to secure the country, but it can't secure itself. The performance of US intelligence has been consistent: Its strategic failures caused the war, and its tactical ignorance of the enemy is losing the war. ICH    Review of the book "Crusade: Chronicles of an Unjust War."

December 1, 2004

An international legal team has filed a criminal complaint against US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and other top US officials over the Abu Ghraib prisoner torture and abuse scandal in Iraq.
The New York-based Centre for Constitutional Rights (CCR) and Berlin's Republican Lawyers' Association have filed the complaint in Germany.

Comment by Larry Ross   November 22, 2004

This superlatively excellent Canadian lawyers call for a ban on Bush visits, and Bush's indictment for war crimes, deserves to be put on the agenda of every peace group everywhere.
They could do a peace action and send it to all their politicians, perhaps more than once, and lobby them as well.
Repeated emphasis is effective, as Bush continually demonstrates.
It could be applied in every country, widely publicised, and forwarded to others.
Surely this kind of effective action is better than letting Bush continue to create his new “truths” and self-serving pre-emptive nuclear war doctrines. Most people and most mass media remain silent while Bush and his neo-cons build their “1984 perpetual wars” type of world over the next 4 years, maybe longer. The Canadian lawyer's letter can be used to express a peace action which communicates that Bush and accomplices are increasingly perceived as war criminals.

peaceinspace.org/   November 19, 2004

Dear Mr. Martin:
It was with absolute dismay that we learned of the planned visit of President Bush to Canada on November 30th 2004.   Surely you are aware of the many grave crimes against humanity and war crimes for which President Bush stands properly accused by the world, starting with the Nuremberg Tribunal´s ‘supreme international crime´ of waging an aggressive war against Iraq in defiance of international law and the Charter of the United Nations, and including systematic and massive violations of the Geneva Conventions Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War and Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, as well as the United Nations Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.

Petition from peaceinspace.org/   November 20, 2004

Dear Mr. Martin:
Canada is at a crossroads – and under heavy pressure from the United States – with respect to the U.S.’s “missile defence” program. This program should be seen clearly – and assertively and publicly acknowledged by Canada – for what it is, nothing less than a pre-emptive action by the United States to dictate how space is to be used and controlled to benefit and advance American interests.
As the Iraq war and its aftermath have borne out, pre-emptive action by one player in the arena of international affairs is not only immoral, it has wholly unpredictable and tragic consequences.              URGENT

by Michael Moore  
November 18, 2004

Why are the thousands of disgruntled GIs, their families and Veterans who question Bush's wisdom and veracity in e-mails and letters sent to Michael Moore rarely, if at all, represented in the mainstream media?
That is because the White House pretty much controls what comes through the mainstream media pipeline, particularly on television. Television news portrays the Karl Rove image of Bush surrounded by adoring, supportive troops in carefully choreographed photo-ops. The most notorious of these was the presidential crotch-stuffing appearance of Bush during his "Mission Accomplished" aircraft carrier stunt.       Buzzflash

  Analysis, U.S. Election
November 17, 2004

Evan Peters election analysis makes many excellent points. But it does not cover election fraud which many articles in this website indicate did happen. I think election fraud colours the whole picture. It means Bush and the Republicans committed major crimes in order to steal the US Presidency - again. It also means that most people in the rest of the world have misjudged the American people, a majority of whom did not vote for Bush. They were not been fooled by Bush and the US media. Kerry did win and I think the rest of the world should recognise that and do what we can to help Americans reclaim their country. Read some of these articles and tell me if you think I'm wrong.

  Election-Result Maps,
November 17, 2004
Humorous & Serious, Yield Better Insights Than US Media's Simplistic "Red vs. Blue State" Analysis.........
.........The Bottom Line: If the American people really want to stop "talking the talk" and actually "walk the walk" of authentic family values, we'd better turn our states Democratic blue; if American voters really want to live like Republican "haves" and "have-mores," we'd better vote for Democratic Congresspersons in 2006; and if Democrats really want to recapture the White House, we'd better stop letting "he who has the gold make the rules" by jettisoning the plutocratic DLC now, and then nominate a genuine progressive who is telegenic, likable, and principled, in 2008. 
  This is Your Call to Action    
November 16, 2004

Bush did not win the election -- HE STOLE IT--
Hello John Kerry supporters!
  You have worked  tirelessly for over a year to elect John Kerry and other Democratic candidates. 
You've donated money, phone banked, registered voters, wrote letters to the editor, put up lawn signs, knocked on doors and monitored polls. You were there when they needed you.  They still need you, perhaps now more than ever.
  But more, your Democracy needs you.

  Comment By Larry Ross on The Power of Nightmares
November 15, 2004

The worst nightmare scenario has come true. The neo-conservatives claim they have just had a mandate to continue creating a new American version of reality. Kerry won the US Presidential election, but like Gore in 2000, was cheated out of his victory by the machinations of the neo-conservatives and their Republican allies and others in the voting machine industry. (see: http://www.nuclearfree.org.nz/archives/ohio.htm )

  The Power of Nightmares
November 15, 2004

In the past our politicians offered us dreams of a better world.Now they promise to protect us from nightmares.
The most frightening of these is the threat of an international terror network.But just as the dreams were not true, neither are these nightmares.

  Part I: Baby It's Cold Outside
Broadcast BBC 2, October 20, 2004

In the past our politicians offered us dreams of a better world. Now they promise to protect us from nightmares. The most frightening of these is the threat of an international terror network. But just as the dreams were not true, neither are these nightmares. Go to and look for Transcript

  Part II: The Phantom Victory

The Power of Nightmares continues its assessment of whether the threat from a hidden and organised terrorist network is an illusion. Part two, the Phantom Victory looks at how two groups, radical Islamists and neo-conservatives with seemingly opposing ideologies came together to defeat a common enemy. Go to and look for Transcript

  Part III: The Shadows in the Cave

The Power of Nightmares assesses whether the threat from a hidden and organised terrorist network is an illusion. In the concluding part of the series, the programme explains how the illusion was created and who benefits from it.
Go to and look for Transcript

  Masssive New US Base in Henoko Bay, Nago City, Okinawa a Link In Global Domination Plan

Comment by Larry Ross
November 15, 2004

The cold war is over, but the much heralded "peace dividend" failed to materialise. The US has over 700 overseas military bases. The number is expanding as it's plans for global domination continue to be implemented. Henoko Bay is one more step.
In place of the communist enemy, the US is using the "terrorist" threat, and making more terrorists every day as it devastates Iraq. The so-called "terrorist threat" and 9/11 attack conspiracy did not exist in Iraq. The real Washington conspirators knew this before they created a litany of lies to justify launching their phoney genocidal war against the non-existent threat from Iraq.

  Stop the construction of yet another US military base
November 14, 2004

-- A number of Okinawan, Japanese and American groups have filed a lawsuit - Dugong v. Rumsfeld - in San Francisco's Federal District Court against the U.S. Department of Defense in order to stop the construction of the new base. For more information on the lawsuit and the environmental issues at stake in the construction of the air base, see: http://actionnetwork.org/campaign/dugong_aa
. . . .Those at the encampment vow to continue their struggle until they halt the base construction. Local women in their 80s say they will give their lives to stop the project.

  It's The People Stupid!
by Jerry Ghinelli
November 9, 2004

In the 1992 presidential campaign, James Carville, Bill Clinton’s campaign advisor, rallied his supporters with the slogan, "It's the economy, stupid." In 2004, the rallying cry for the Republicans should have been, "It's the American people, stupid. "
And stupid we are!
Faced with issues that will affect this country for a generation or more (if we're lucky enough to survive), millions of Americans voted based on whom they would like to have over for a barbeque and who shares their moral values.
Bush and moral values is an oxymoron. And Bush and the millions of Americans who voted for him because he shares their moral values are just plain morons.

Now here is a brief commercial showing the “President of moral values” saluting his flock . http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/video1033.htm
If you think this “one-finger victory salute” was a benign prank, just ask yourself the following question: Could you imagine a true believer and man of values, like President Carter, acting in such a manner?

  'Watching tragedy engulf my city'
From Fadhil Badrani in Falluja,
November 9, 2004

.....A medical dispensary in the city centre was bombed earlier.
I don't know what has happened to the doctors and patients who were there.
It was last place you could get medical attention because the big hospital on the outskirts of Falluja was captured by the Americans on Monday. ......

  Arma-geddon Sick of You
by Daniel Patrick Welch
November 7, 2004

World to US as Americans prepare to level Fallujah
Bush's Sword of Damocles is poised above the people and city of Fallujah , ready to wreak the pent-up wrath his addled brain thinks his tainted election victory permits. This is the bizarre world-in-a-bubble in which most Americans reside. With a chorus of Onward, Christian Soldiers and a vapid, cheerleading press, the crusade continues unabated, as the world's revulsion continues to grow.

  Hello: You Are Now Living In A Fascist Empire.
by Carolyn Baker
November 5, 2004

I struggled for some time with the title of this article. I might also have called it “Way Worse Than ‘I Told You So’” after having written for months, even years, that the charade we have just witnessed, called an election, would be a repeat performance of the coup d'etat of 2000. Was this election stolen? Unquestionably. The list of likely illegal acts in this election is no less than mindnumbing. But if you wish to read them, they can be found at: http://www.accuracy.org/new.htm

  Insidious Weapon Threatens Humanity Comment by Larry Ross
November 5, 2004

This DU-PLICITY article shows how the US and UK have lied about the long-lingering killing properties, about 4.5 billion years, of the radioactive Depleted Uranium weapons. Both countries have used them Iraq and in 5 previous conflicts.

By Susan Riordon & Davey Garland
February 28, 2004

.......The Conference called for the abolition of all uranium weapons and confirmed acceptance of the United Nations Sub-commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights finding, that Depleted Uranium weapons are illegal. Accordingly, the Hamburg officially called for the abolition of the use of and halt to the proliferation of these weapons.
The Hamburg Conference concluded: “The evidence from scientists, medical professionals and legal experts at this conference is clear: DU is causing significant health effects worldwide... is illegal under existing International Law and Conventions” The Conference also called for the cessation of the manufacture testing, or use of these weapons. This was the final and unanimous agreement of Conference.

  The Sunburn - Iran's Awesome Nuclear Anti-Ship Missile
by Mark Gaffney
November 2, 2004

The Weapon That Could Defeat The US In The Gulf
A word to the reader: The following paper is so shocking that, after preparing the initial draft, I didn't want to believe it myself, and resolved to disprove it with more research. However, I only succeeded in turning up more evidence in support of my thesis. And I repeated this cycle of discovery and denial several more times before finally deciding to go with the article. I believe that a serious writer must follow the trail of evidence, no matter where it leads, and report back. So here is my story. Don't be surprised if it causes you to squirm. Its purpose is not to make predictions history makes fools of those who claim to know the future but simply to describe the peril that awaits us in the Persian Gulf. By awakening to the extent of that danger, perhaps we can still find a way to save our nation and the world from disaster. If we are very lucky, we might even create an alternative future that holds some promise of resolving the monumental conflicts of our time.

by Thomas D. Williams
November 1, 2004

Weapons Dust Worries Iraqis
Despite assurances from the U.S. military that depleted uranium from exploded munitions does not pose a significant health threat, Iraq's provisional government is asking the United Nations for help cleaning up the low-level radioactive, metal dust spread across local battlefields by U.S. and British forces during the Persian Gulf wars.
The request comes as the United States continues to defend depleted uranium weaponry - prized for its tank-piercing and bunker- or cave-smashing ability - against strong opposition by other countries, scientists and veterans organizations.
Great Britain, a major partner in the coalition now fighting in Iraq, has provided the U.N. with the coordinates where its forces used depleted uranium, also known as DU, in southern Iraq, but the United States has not. Britain and Germany are supplying money to train Iraqis in environmental science. The United Nations plans to survey for DU hot spots from both wars in Iraq and says it needs the coordinates for an effective survey.

  New Zealand's Nuclear Free Policy  Letter to Helen Clark
November 1, 2004

If Bush gets a second term, he may launch more and wider wars (Iran, Syria etc), provoke retaliation and 'terrorism' and probable use of nuclear weapons and a potential general disaster from which the world as we know it, may never recover.

  Comment - Helen Thomas Scores a Bullseye
November 1, 2004

Be sure to read this great article from the former dean of the White House Press corps, Helen Thomas.
"It turns out ...that even Arabs will fight for their own land.
They are what we call the insurgents, or terrorists, or even the enemy."

Helen Thomas Addresses Al-Hewar Center
  September 8, 2004

"Press Failed to Hold White House Accountable"
........I believe that if he is reelected, we have doomed ourselves to perpetual war in the 21st century. We will have a repetition of the 20th Century. Two World Wars, Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf War, and every thing that happened at the turn of the century before. Of course he will re-institute the draft. He has to, they are scraping the bottom of the barrel now for ready reserves. He will dismantle the Social Security system little by little with privatizing. He will continue to erode labor rights. He has already practically wiped out overtime. If he makes you a vice president or a supervisor, you won’t get any overtime. Or he’ll give you comp time, even if you don’t want comp time – even if you want to support and feed your kids… He will continue to move jobs to the Third World where multi-millionaires can fatten their pocketbooks from sweatshops and child labor. And, of course, the richest people in the country will continue to get the biggest tax cuts.
So through Bush policies, we have lost most of our friends and allies in the world. At the least, we have lost their respect. And domestically, the poor, the sick, and the maimed will be forgotten. I believe, like Abraham Lincoln, that government should do for people what people cannot do for themselves. I will conclude my rant by quoting John F. Kennedy after the Cuban Crisis. In 1962 he went to American University and made a speech where he said “America would never start a war. We want a world where the weak are secure and the strong are just.”
The other quote that I like so much is “The only way for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing.”
Finally, from early in our Colonial era, was the observation by Alexis De Tocqueville, who said “America is great because it is good. When it ceases to be good, it will no longer be great.”
We can change all that if we give peace a chance.

  More Genocide Coming In Iraq
October 31, 2004

Any Iraqi resistance to US slaughter is called "terrorism" and used by the US to justify even more violence.
The US is prepared to use "shock and awe" tactics in their efforts to annihilate any resistance in Fallujah.

  A Question Of Conscience: How Many More?
By Evan Augustine Peterson III, J.D.,
October 31, 2004

British Study Concludes That 100,000 Civilian Deaths Have Been Caused By Iraq War's Violence 
"...it is clear that whatever planning did take place was grievously in error.  The invasion of Iraq, the displacement of a cruel dictator, and the attempt to impose a liberal democracy by force have, by themselves, been insufficient to bring peace and security to the civilian population. ... [I]mperialism has resulted in more deaths, not fewer.  This political failure continues to cause scores of casualties among non-combatants. ... The lives of Iraqis are currently being shaped by the policies of the occupying forces and the military insurgents.  For the occupiers, winning the peace now demands a thorough reappraisal of strategy and tactics to prevent further unnecessary casualties.  -Dr. Richard Horton's commentary, "The War In Iraq: Civilian Casualties, Political Responsibilities," in The Lancet, Vol. 364, No. 9445. [1]

  100,000 War Crimes
By Bob Dreyfuss,
October 29, 2004

The staggering research reported in the British journal Lancet shows the magnitude of the Bush administration’s war crimes: 98,000 Iraqi civilians dead, including 40,000 children. And that’s not even counting Fallujah.
I don’t think most Americans care a lot about dead Iraqis. I hope I’m wrong.

  100,000 Iraqi civilians dead, says study
By Sarah Boseley,
October 29, 2004

About 100,000 Iraqi civilians - half of them women and children - have died in Iraq since the invasion, mostly as a result of airstrikes by coalition forces, according to the first reliable study of the death toll from Iraqi and US public health experts.
[Bin Laden killed almost 3,000 people and its terrorism. We kill 100,000 and its Democracy? ]

  Will there be a war against the world after November 2?
By John Pilger,
October 28, 2004

There is a surreal quality about visiting the United States in the last days of the presidential campaign. If George W Bush wins, according to a scientist I met, who escaped Nazi-dominated Europe, America will surrender many of its democratic trappings and succumb to its totalitarian impulses. If John Kerry wins, according to most Democrat voters, the only mandate he will have is that he is not Bush.

  Armageddon Soon?
By Larry Ross
October 29, 2004

..... These forces are not based on lunatic religious beliefs, but rationally-based on the profits, power and prestige that draw people into the 'military - industrial - political - academic - corporate - media' complex. This is a hugely powerful force. Although it is rationally-based, it is blind to the trends and disastrous consequences of it's own behaviour or how it is used to implement the lunatic religious agenda.

By Jan
October 26, 2004

We are moving toward a key fiery moment, and one that carries within it the potential for conflagration. 
As I see them, the key issues are:  Little Men and Power at All Cost
You will add you own realisations here, but the two \'little men\' of the moment are Bush and Putin. 
Small physically and with very different personalities, they have highly significant features in common:
-  They rule using fear

  The Truth About 9/11
By Larry Ross
October 26, 2004

Mike Ruppert, is the author of this article which was delivered to San francisco's prestigious Commonwealth Club on August 31, 2004. He has just published a book "Crossing The Rubicon" in which he presents more details of his 9/11 charges and also on the world's 'Peak Oil' consumption.
Ruppert convincingly establishes that the Bush Administration planned and authorised the 9/11 attacks.

  Address to For the Commonwealth Club - San Francisco
By Michael C. Ruppert
August 31, 2004

"The 9/11 attacks were the result of deliberate planning and orchestrated efforts by identifiable leaders within the U.S. Government, and the energy and financial sectors, to see a Pearl Harbor-like attack which would provide the American Empire with a pretext for war, invasion and the sequential confiscation of oil and natural gas reserves, or the key transportation routes through which they pass. 9-11 was a premeditated murder and in my book, and here tonight, I will name some of the suspects who committed the crime. In my book I will show you overwhelming evidence of their guilt, which I would be proud and confident to place either before a district attorney or a jury."

  YOU BE THE JUDGE- Revelations on 9/11 Revisited
September 23, ,2004

From Dr. Deagle:
I have a timely story to relay on warnings I received before 9/11.
The events of 911 have forever changed all Americans views of what it is to be a free citizen of a Western democracy. They must be re-evaluated as thousands of inconsistencies and contradictions make this Orwellian tale even more pressing, now that our calendars cross yet another 911 anniversary.

  Message to Americans From a Kentucky Senator and Judge
Comment by Larry Ross,
October 23, 2004
Marlow Cook is a conservative republican whose article follows. He was a retired judge and US Kentucky Senator. He said he is "frightened to death of George Bush. I fear a secret government” .. . Bush "has no moral character at all"
Marlow says Bush is "a dangerous leader who flouts the truth, takes the country into an undeclared war and then adds a war on terrorism to it without debate by the Congress...we have a duty to rid ourselves of those who are taking our country on a perilous ride in the wrong direction."
'Frightened to death' of Bush
by Marlow W. Cook
October 20, 2004

I shall cast my vote for John Kerry come Nov 2.
I have been, and will continue to be, a Republican. But when we as a party send the wrong person to the White House, then it is our responsibility to send him home if our nation suffers as a result of his actions. I fall in the category of good conservative thinkers, like George F. Will, for instance, who wrote: "This administration cannot be trusted to govern if it cannot be counted on to think and having thought, to have second thoughts."

Press Release from CND
October 17, 2004

The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament today reacted with outrage at the Independent on Sunday's report that the Prime Minister has secretly agreed to host US Star Wars missiles at Fylingdales.  The group has promised to use all means possible to resist the move.  CND criticises the decision to host such missiles, the secretive, behind the scenes deal-making that led to that decision and the reported plans to develop a spin campaign to win public support.

  "You Can Run, But You Can't Hide, Mr. Bush!"
October 16, 2004

The Bushites Are Given A Failing Grade In An Open Letter From 729 "Security Scholars For A Sensible Foreign Policy"
Just when Mr. Bush thought he'd sailed by the Scylla of a potentially devastating foreign-policy critique from John Kerry during the presidential debates, he was hit by the Charybdis of an actually devastating foreign-policy critique from 729 scholars.

October 14, 2004

The regime of George Bush and Co represents a dangerous threat to the stability of this country and the world and perhaps the safety of you, your family and your assets if you don’t toe the line. Information will be provided to explain what the risks are and specific steps you can take to protect yourself including diversifying investments overseas and possibly leaving the U.S. if Bush gets re-elected.

October 13, 2004

As I write this in October, 2004, ton after ton of uranium--depleted uranium, reactor waste, and possibly just uranium--is being burned at high temperature in bullets, missiles and bombs used by the United States military forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.  This is generating a global medical crisis the like of which the human race has never seen before.  The breathable uranium oxides created by this massive, ongoing incineration of uranium has radioactive and chemical toxicity for the lifetime of Earth.

  What if the Whole World Could Vote in the U.S. Presidential Election? October 1, 2004

You can vote for the US president!
There are 4 weeks left before the November 2 presidential election. Several commentators have warned: (1) that Bush supporters control the voting machines in key states and may change the results to favour Bush - as Bush supporters did in Florida in 2000. (2) Bush may stage a terrorist incident (3) call a red alert over a supposed terrorist threat and postpone the elections. (4) start another war, justified by lies as he did with Iraq, this time with Iran or Syria as he warned (5) Find or create some new dirt on Kerry, as the Bushites did over Kerry's war record, and mass media it before November 2 for maximum impact on the electorate before Kerry's reply can have a corrective result.

  John Pilger wins Sophie Prize after years of great work  
September 2004

"It's not enough for journalists to see themselves as mere messengers without
understanding the hidden agendas of the message and the myths that surround it."   - John Pilger
See also Older Articles    Journalism & Films    Archives

      Congratulations John!
  Does Mr. Bush's Foreign Policy Mirror The American Peoples' Soul?
  by Evan Augustine Peterson,
Sept. 28, 2004
  Occasionally a writer sums up a great deal with one metaphor, and the pen proves to be mightier than the sword. And so it is with American novelist E. L. Doctorow's essay, "The Unfeeling President".
Mr. Doctorow finds Mr. Bush's glibly-Reaganesque capacity to emotionally disconnect himself from the people he's devastating, while simultaneously waxing optimistic about the harm he's inflicting, to be a metaphor for America's anesthetized descent into a collective state of shrivelled soullessness.
  Iraq: The Massacres Continue as “Democracy-Building”.
  by Ghali Hassan
September 26, 2004
  “With all the vacillations of policy since the current incumbents [Bush’s gang] first took office in 1981, one guiding principle remains stable: the Iraqi people must not rule Iraq”. Noam Chomsky, TomDispatch
The indiscriminate slaughter of Iraqi citizens in Fallujah, Najaf, Baghdad, Tel Afar, Kut and other Iraqi cities, the outrageous treatment of Iraqi prisoners of war and civilian detainees, and the destruction of the nation of Iraq have not registered in the Moral consciousness of the “civilised” Western world.
  YOU BE THE JUDGE- Revelations on 9/11
September 23, ,2004

From Dr. Deagle:
I have a timely story to relay on warnings I received before 9/11.
The events of 911 have forever changed all Americans views of what it is to be a free citizen of a Western democracy. They must be re-evaluated as thousands of inconsistencies and contradictions make this Orwellian tale even more pressing, now that our calendars cross yet another 911 anniversary.

  The Enemy Is Us
by Sam Gardiner,
September 22, 2004

In war, you deny information, spread lies and use psychological warfare. An expert on military information operations explains how Bush has mastered this technique -- and used it against the American people.
On Thursday, Iraq's interim prime minister, Iyad Allawi, will speak before a joint meeting of Congress, and from what he said in London on his way to the United States, it looks like Americans are going to be getting more of the strategic information operations that have been crucial to Bush's policy on Iraq from the beginning.

by Larry Ross,
September 21, 2004
At last John Kerry admits that George Bush was lying in his reasons for going to war against Iraq. People had reasons for feeling let down over Kerry's waffling in his Presidential campaign against Bush. Kerry did not use his opportunities to tell the American people the truth about US lies and the neocon conspiracy.   
        Well Kerry has started and I hope there is still time.
Kerry Goes To War On Iraq
From CBS,
September 20, 2004

Turning up the campaign rhetoric on Iraq, Sen. John Kerry charged Monday that mistakes by President Bush in invading Iraq could lead to unending war. He said no responsible commander in chief would have waged the war knowing Saddam Hussein didn't possess weapons of mass destruction and wasn't an imminent threat to the United States.
"Yet today, President Bush tells us that he would do everything all over again, the same way. How can he possibly be serious?" Kerry said at New York University.

  US Behind Rising Wave of Global Terrorism: Boutros-Ghali
by Hamdi Al-Husseiny,
September 18, 2004

Former UN secretary general Boutros Boutros-Ghali held the US administration accountable for rising wave of terrorism, saying Washington’s unilateral approach has fuelled civil wars across the world.
Boutros-Ghali also asked American President George W. Bush to order his forces out of Iraq and to allow Arab countries mediate a peaceful settlement to the crisis gripping the war-scarred country.

  Washington's secret nuclear war
by Shaheen Chughtai
September 14, 2004

Illegal weapons of mass destruction have not only been found in Iraq but have been used against Iraqis and have even killed US troops.
But Washington and its allies have tried to cover up this outrage because the chief culprit is the US itself, argue American and other experts trying to expose what they say is a war crime.       - Stop Bush killing Americans

  Three Years Later: Peaceful Tomorrows 9/11/04 Statement

September 11, 2004

Nearly three years ago, September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows was born out of a shared belief that America’s military response to the 9/11 attacks which took our loved ones’ lives would result in the deaths of countless innocent civilians and increase recruitment for terrorist causes, making the United States, and the world, less safe and less free for generations to come.

  The Case Against George W. Bush By Ron Reagan, Esquire September Issue, 2004

The son of the fortieth president of the United States takes a hard look at the son of the forty-first and does not like what he sees.
It may have been the guy in the hood teetering on the stool, electrodes clamped to his genitals. Or smirking Lynndie England and her leash. Maybe it was the smarmy memos tapped out by soft-fingered lawyers itching to justify such barbarism. The grudging, lunatic retreat of the neocons from their long-standing assertion that Saddam was in cahoots with Osama didn't hurt. Even the Enron audiotapes and their celebration of craven sociopathy likely played a part. As a result of all these displays and countless smaller ones, you could feel, a couple of months back, as summer spread across the country, the ground shifting beneath your feet. Not unlike that scene in The Day After Tomorrow, then in theaters, in which the giant ice shelf splits asunder, this was more a paradigm shift than anything strictly tectonic. No cataclysmic ice age, admittedly, yet something was in the air, and people were inhaling deeply. I began to get calls from friends whose parents had always voted Republican, "but not this time." There was the staid Zbigniew Brzezinski on the staid NewsHour with Jim Lehrer sneering at the "Orwellian language" flowing out of the Pentagon. Word spread through the usual channels that old hands from the days of Bush the Elder were quietly (but not too quietly) appalled by his son's misadventure in Iraq.

  The Untermensch Syndrome
  by Manuel Valenzuela
August 22, 2004

The labeling as anti-Semitic of anyone critical of the state of Israel’s policies in the continued destruction of Palestinian identity and the increasing domination into American foreign policy no longer has the sting of threat or intimidation it once mastered. For too long this masquerade has been used to silence those opposing anything Israel, shouted at anyone disseminating truth and seeking justice. Like the boy who cried wolf, this charade has lost its power or hypnotic control, and today only serves to breed more anger and resentment against the apologists and smear mongers protecting the cancerous tentacles of Zionism and the crimes against humanity it spawns.
Also see The Other Superpower: Fraternity, Solidarity and the World's People
Other articles by Manuel Valenzuela and Manuel Valenzuela Archives

  The Race To Preserve American Democracy: By Evan Augustine Peterson III
August 19, 2004

Last Clear Chance To Chase Down Electronic-Voting Before Its Security-Flaws Bring Down Our Electoral System

  Hiroshima mayor lashes out at U.S. on 59th anniversary of atomic bombing
by Shinya Ajima
August 6, 2004
  Hiroshima Mayor Calls for Emergency Campaign Around the World
by Tadatoshi Akiba
August 7, 2004
  Peace Declaration and Letter of Protest to Bush
The War Crimes Trial of The Peace Action People's Court Victoria Sq. Chch. 12-1pm, Sat. August 7, 2004

Bush, Blair and Howard nuclear gambled with our world, when they "willfully made war and promoted international dissension". Their completely phoney war on Iraq, justified by lies, was followed with a series of war crimes, including more lies, bombing, looting, killing, imprisoning and torturing. It was, and still is, camouflaged by a PR-Psywar campaign, reported by a cowed and co-operative mass media. As recommended by historian H. G. Wells, these "politicians" will be "in the dock" at:

  Press Release      
  Don't Believe the Hype  
By Jason Leopold
August 4, 2004

Terrorist Warnings Just Another Way Bush Will Steal Election
I'm probably one of thousands—maybe tens of thousands—who believe George W. Bush will do anything to retain control of the White House. It's not safe to have a healthy dose of skepticism like this these days. But this has to be said. I don't believe the country is going to be attacked by al-Qaeda anytime soon. I don't care how specific the so-called threat is. I don't care how many targets have been identified. I don't care how solid this new information is. I don't buy any of it. What I do believe is whenever Bush's approval ratings start slipping, the administration issues a terrorist warning saying an attack is imminent. Coincidence? I don't think so.

  The American Torture Doctors  
By Evan Augustine Peterson III
August 3, 2004

"One would think the physicians in the US military would have learned enough from the cautionary history of the Third Reich's ghoulish Dr. Joseph "The Angel Of Death" Mengele and his team of torture-doctors to know that they should
NEVER practice medicine in violation of universal human rights or their Hippocratic Oath. Evidently, they did not."

  Torture Crimes and Purpose  
August1, 2004

Osha Gray Davidson's article in 28/7/04 Rolling Stone, confirms a previous article by Seymour Hersh (New Yorker journalist) about US employees committing many sexual and other tortures of prisoners in Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, including "raping a teenage boy". The Senate and Pentagon investigation into these tortures uncovered by US Maj. Gen. Antoni Taguba in his report, are now decreed as "classified documents. The investigation is stalled, probably because the details, which go to the top of the Bush Administration, would be considered so horrific by the average American, that to reveal them would damage Bush's re-election chances.

  The Secret File of Abu Ghraib  
By Osha Gray Davidson
July 28, 2004

The new classified military documents offer a chilling picture of what happened at Abu Ghraib -- including detailed reports that U.S. troops and translators sodomized and raped Iraqi prisoners. The secret files -- 106 "annexes" that the Defense Department withheld from the Taguba report last spring -- include nearly 6,000 pages of internal Army memos and e-mails, reports on prison riots and escapes, and sworn statements by soldiers, officers, private contractors and detainees. The files depict a prison in complete chaos. Prisoners were fed bug-infested food and forced to live in squalid conditions; detainees and U.S. soldiers alike were killed and wounded in nightly mortar attacks; and loyalists of Saddam Hussein served as guards in the facility, apparently smuggling weapons to prisoners inside.

  An Old Vets Opinion: Bush and the Torturing of Iraq’s Children
July 21, 2004

It appears that the torturing of Iraq’s children is now a part of the Bush cabals “policy” of “bringing democracy, liberation and freedom” to the Iraqi people. This goes way past just simply outrageous.
Of the 535 members of congress, only one member has a child in Iraq, or in uniform for that matter. Not one within the executive branch can make any claim as not one of their children is in uniform, let alone in Iraq.
These are the people sending your sons and daughters off to kill and be killed in this Bush murderous mis-adventure in Iraq.

  The US Purpose of Torture and Bestial Crimes Against Muslims
July 22, 2004

How do you explain the indefinite imprisonment of children, and sodomizing them, in Abu Ghraib prison in Bagdad?
Is that the way to "the hearts and minds" of those Bush wants to help; the way to introduce "freedom and democracy" to the oppressed victims of Saddam Hussein.? No?
There may be an overall Bush-neocom purpose in continuing the long litany of tortures, and taking their unlimited bestiality to new extrmes.

  Comment   by Larry Ross
June 18, 2004
  Rumors of the Neocons' Demise Are Greatly Exaggerated
by Jacob Heilbrunn
June 16, 2004

This LA Times article shows that the neocons and their policies have Bush's support. Their increasing influence and war plans may be only in the beginning. Another terrorist attack or other incident, may influence the electorate to re-elect Bush, if his PR crew and the media present it well.

  Indictment for War Crimes  
by Larry Ross
June 18, 2004

George Bush, Tony Blair and John Howard for War Crimes against humanity and the planet.
The indictment is to be held in Christchurch Cathedral Square on AUGUST 7, 2004 and around the world

  450 Legal Scholars Letter to Congress  
June 16, 2004

Harvard Law Professors Urge Congress to Review Interrogation Policy and Hold Executive Branch Accountable
A group of more than 450 professors of law, international relations, and public policy - led by Harvard Law School faculty members - today sent a letter calling on Congress to hold accountable, through impeachment and removal if appropriate, civilian officials from the top of the Executive Branch on down for policies developed at high levels that have facilitated the recent abuses at Abu Ghraib. The letter also calls on Congress to take primary responsibility for any policy on coercive interrogation employed by the United States.

  Michael Moore's new 'Fahrenheit 9/11' scorches
by Geoffrey Dunn
June 16, 2004

There's nothing cheap in Fahrenheit 9/11. This film goes for the jugular.
See also Comment on Fahrenheit 9/11 Review

  'They impeach murderers, don't they?'     
by Ted Rall
June 13, 2004

Topic: Commander-In-Thief Bush Must Step Down
George W. Bush told us that Iraq and Al Qaeda were working together. They weren't. He repeatedly implied that Iraq had had something to do with 9/11. It hadn't. He claimed to have proof that Saddam Hussein possessed banned weapons of mass destruction. He didn't. As our allies watched in horror and disgust, Bush conned us into a one-sided war of aggression that killed and maimed thousands of innocent people, destroyed billions of dollars in Iraqi infrastructure, cost tens of billions of dollars, cost the lives of American soldiers, and transformed our international image as the world's shining beacon of freedom into that of a marauding police state. Presidents Nixon and Clinton rightly faced impeachment for comparatively trivial offenses; if we hope to restore our nation's honor, George W. Bush too must face a president's gravest political sanction.

  Bush's foreign policy under fire  
Al Jazeera 
June 13, 2004

"We just felt things were so serious, that America's leadership role in the world has been attenuated to such a terrible degree
by both the style and the substance of the administration's approach"
William C Harrop, former US ambassador to Israel

  I Ain't Marching Any More
June 12, 2004

RAF medic on trial for refusing to serve in Iraq.
'If someone attacked this country today,' says RAF reservist Mohsin Khan, 'I'd be the first person on the beaches, I mean that with my heart.' But faced with going to Iraq to take part in 'an attack on innocent people', he went AWOL instead - and swelled the growing ranks of servicemen and women, in Britain and the US, whose consciences will not allow them to join a war to which they object. Natasha Walter investigates

  A people's court pronounced the US government guilty of committing war crimes
By Haider Rizvi,
May 9, 2004

A 'jury of conscience' declared Sunday after scores of witnesses testified before a 'World Tribunal on Iraq' that "the U.S. government is guilty of committing a war of aggression against Iraq." It also held the United States guilty of committing war crimes.

  Impeaching Unstable Presidents  
By Stephen Crockett and Al Lawrence
June 10, 2004

....We are not talking the partisan frame-up of the Clinton impeachment era. We are talking about serious crimes and possible violations of the US Constitution that threaten the way the administration conducts our national business. These writers have been hearing behind the scenes rumbling about ticking time bombs that could bring down Bush before or (like Nixon) just after the presidential elections.

June 7, 2004

Call, email and fax your Senators today and ask them to support the Kennedy-Feinstein Amendment to the National Defense Authorization Bill.

By Larry Ross
June 7, 2004
  The Psychology Behind Mass Subservience to Tyranny
Compilation by Christopher Rudy

Everyone likes to say, "Hitler did this," and "Hitler did that." But the truth is Hitler did very little. He was a world class tyrant, but the evil actually done by the Third Reich, from the death camps to WWII, was all done by German citizens who were afraid to question if what they were told by their government was the truth or not, and who, because they did not want to admit to themselves that they were afraid to question the government, refused to see the truth behind the Reichstag Fire, refused to see the invasion by Poland was a staged fake, and followed Hitler into national disaster.

  Bush's Erratic Behavior Worries White House Aides
By Doug Thompson & Teresa Hampton
June 4, 2004
  The Madness of King George      

President George W. Bush's increasingly erratic behavior and wide mood swings has the halls of the West Wing buzzing lately as aides privately express growing concern over their leader's state of mind.
In meetings with top aides and administration officials, the President goes from quoting the Bible in one breath to obscene tantrums against the media, Democrats and others that he classifies as "enemies of the state."
Worried White House aides paint a portrait of a man on the edge, increasingly wary of those who disagree with him and paranoid of a public that no longer trusts his policies in Iraq or at home.
"It reminds me of the Nixon days," says a longtime GOP political consultant with contacts in the White House. "Everybody is an enemy; everybody is out to get him. That's the mood over there."

  Time to Leave  
June 3, 2004

We have paid a heavy price for the Bush Administration's unnecessary and illegal invasion of Iraq: more than 800 American soldiers dead; more than 4,500 wounded or maimed; and $120 billion wasted on a war and occupation that has sullied our country's image in the world, undercut our moral authority and poisoned Arab and Muslim minds against us for decades to come. We will pay an even heavier price if we "stay the course," as the Administration and many Democrats urge. If, as war supporters claim, our goals in Iraq (now that we've lost the rationale of hunting down weapons of mass destruction) are stability and democracy, we are proceeding in exactly the wrong way. In the eyes of most Iraqis, American forces have long since ceased to be nation-builders and instead are occupying forces that knock down their homes, bomb their mosques and abuse and humiliate their fellow citizens. The occupation, like other occupations throughout history, has generated a growing popular resistance that cannot be defeated militarily. It is time to change course.

  Helping to Raising Awareness - Send to your Friends
from Laurie Ross
June 2, 2004

Dear Friends - I thought you may share my concern.
If you support Nuclear Free New Zealand then please take a look at this website. http://www.nuclearfree.org.nz/archives
It is vital that New Zealand maintains its Nuclear Freedom and does not give in to US pressure or Don Brash and the National Party. New Zealand acts as a beacon of hope and sanity in the world by being brave enough to stand for an end to nuclear proliferation. We do not want nuclear weapons or nuclear power in this country. NZ must continue to hold this position in order to help the whole world because we could all be destroyed by nuclear weapons.             See what you can do

  Comments on John Howard's Melbourne speech on May 26  
By Larry Ross
June 1, 2004

John Howard's Melbourne speech (May 26) ommitted key facts in order to justify Australia's continued participation in one of history's most fraudulent wars.

  Christian Zionists, Jews & Bush's reelection strategy   by Bill Berkowitz
May 28, 2004

On May 20, the Israeli Defense Forces brutally killed a number of Palestinian school children and wounded dozens of others peacefully demonstrating at the Rafah refugee camp in the Gaza Strip. The United Nations Security Council quickly passed a resolution condemning the action, urging Israel to stop demolishing Palestinian homes, and calling for an end to violence. While not vetoing the resolution, as it has done on past occasions, the U.S. abstained from the vote.

  SEIZE THE DAY   by Carol Wolman
May 28, 2004

The times of ignorance are long past. The Nuremberg Trials were held 60 years ago, and mass murderers were declared war criminals and hanged.
An international citizens' tribunal comprised of distinguished law professors from around the world has recently declared Bush guilty of war crimes in Afghanistan, especially for the dispersion of depleted uranium.

  Mad dogs and sick puppies  
By Bev Conover
May 27, 2004

What is it going to take to get the people to rise up and demand Congress remove George W. Bush and his whole administration from power on charges of and conviction for treason and other high crimes and misdemeanors?

  Widows and Orphans  
By Carol Wolman
May 24, 2004

The father of orphans and the defender of widows
is God in his holy dwelling.
God gives a home to the forsaken;
he leads forth prisoners to prosperity.

Psalm 67: 6-7
http://www.nccbuscc.org/nab/052404.htm    Contrast this verse with the actions of Bush and Sharon.

  Mass Rally & March on June 5 in U.S.    
May 23, 2004

Thousands at the White House will say: "Bush and Rumsfeld - Guilty of War Crimes"
"I plan to be in Washington DC on June 5 at the peace rally. We will be marching from Bush's White House to Rumsfeld's house and I am hoping that everyone who cares about peace in this country will join us."
- Michael Berg

  A Call to Conscience  
by Roger Morris  
May 21, 2004

The diplomat who quit over Nixon's invasion of Cambodia asks Americans on the front lines of foreign service to resign from the "worst regime by far in the history of the republic."       . . . . .
Dear Trustees:
I am respectfully addressing you by your proper if little-used title. The women and men of our diplomatic corps and intelligence community are genuine trustees. With intellect and sensibility, character and courage, you represent America to the world. Equally important, you show the world to America. You hold in trust our role and reputation among nations, and ultimately our fate. Yours is the gravest, noblest responsibility. Never has the conscience you personify been more important.

  Hawks Eating Crow        by  Eric Alterman May 20, 2004

The Bush Administration has not made it easy on its supporters. David Brooks now admits that he was gripped with a "childish fantasy" about Iraq. Tucker Carlson is "ashamed" and "enraged" at himself. Tom Friedman, admitting to being "a little slow," is finally off the reservation. Die-hard Republican publicist William Kristol admits of Bush, "He did drive us into a ditch." The neocon fantasist and sometime Republican speechwriter Mark Helprin complains on the Wall Street Journal editorial page--the movement's Pravda--of "the inescapable fact that the war has been run incompetently, with an apparently deliberate contempt for history, strategy, and thought, and with too little regard for the American soldier, whose mounting casualties seem to have no effect on the boastfulness of the civilian leadership."        This site is a must see

  Impeach the SOB  
by Daniel Patrick Welch  
May 19, 2004

It's time to stop beating around this Bush and start beating up on him -- but good. There is no set of humanitarian or democratic principles by which this administration would not have been removed in any sane society. The last election was questionable at best, and his reckless, dangerous and criminal actions in the ensuing years have shown the whole world he is unfit to govern. The only democratic remedy, impeachment, was set aside early and forcibly by an opposition still afraid of its own shadow. It did make some sense, early on, to argue that, since the Greasy Oil Plutocrats (GOP) controlled both houses, it was a waste of time and energy.

  Top 10 Conspiracy Theories of 2003-2004  
by Mike Ward  
May 18, 2004

On August 6, 2001, while vacationing in Crawford, Texas, George Bush received an intelligence briefing called "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S." It included revelations that al Qaeda members were conducting "surveillance of federal buildings in New York"; the World Trade Center was mentioned in the first paragraph, the prospect of terrorist "retaliat[ion] in Washington" in the second. According to the briefing, Osama bin Laden's organization was acting in ways "consistent with preparations for hijackings or other types of attacks, including recent surveillance of federal buildings in New York."

  A people's court pronounced the US government guilty of committing war crimes
By Haider Rizvi,
May 9, 2004

A 'jury of conscience' declared Sunday after scores of witnesses testified before a 'World Tribunal on Iraq' that "the U.S. government is guilty of committing a war of aggression against Iraq." It also held the United States guilty of committing war crimes.

  Rape Rooms: A Chronology   By William Saletan
May 5, 2004
  What Bush said as the Iraq prison scandal unfolded.      Listen to this story on NPR's Day to Day.
  Torture and abuse: A pattern and practice of the U.S. military By Bob Fitrakis
May 4, 2004

The official word from the Bush administration is that the torture and sexual abuse of Iraqi prisoners by U.S. troops in Iraq’s Abu Ghraib prison is not “systematic,” according to General Richard Myers, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. This type of torture of indigenous and Third World people, however, is well-documented as a pattern and practice of the U.S. military and the CIA.

  The illegalities and war crimes   Comment by Larry Ross
May 7, 2004
  Pictures of wounded men being shot censored by TV By Robert Fisk
May 6, 2004

The pictures are appalling, the words devastating. As a wounded Iraqi crawls from beneath a burning truck, an American helicopter pilot tells his commander that one of three men has survived his night air attack. "Someone wounded," the pilot cries. Then he received the reply: "Hit him, hit the truck and him." As the helicopter's gun camera captures the scene on video, the pilot fires a 30mm gun at the wounded man, vaporising him in a second.

  Overturn nuke ban, says Nat review By NICK VENTER
May 6, 2004

Should we allow American nuclear vessels to visit New Zealand?
The National Party is proposing to dilute New Zealand's iconic anti-nuclear legislation to improve economic and defence relations with the United States.
A 65-page report on the relationship between the two countries was issued late yesterday afternoon as a huge protest dispersed outside Parliament. The timing prompted Prime Minister Helen Clark, ACT and the Greens to accuse National of slipping it through "under cover of the hikoi".         Have Your Say

  New Prison Images Emerge   By Christian Davenport
May 6, 2004

...The graphic images, passed around among military police who served at the Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad, are a new batch of photographs similar to those broadcast a week ago on CBS's "60 Minutes II" and published by the New Yorker magazine. They appear to provide further visual evidence of the chaos and unprofessionalism at the prison detailed in a report by Army Maj. Gen. Antonio M. Taguba. His report, which relied in part on the photographs, found "numerous incidents of sadistic, blatant, and wanton criminal abuses" that were inflicted on detainees.

  New Pictures Of American Military Torturing Iraqi Prisoners
May 6, 2004

Is the Commander In Chief capable of the Job or does he just not give a damm.
If he is such a great leader, how do the troups dare to act in this way.
How could he not know. He is Bush, he has access to all information.
He should not be in power, running the biggest bullying army in the world.

  Put George W. Bush in prison!!!   by Harry Wasserman
May 5, 2004
  Those American soldiers torturing and sexually abusing Iraqi prisoners have made criminals of us all.
And there are only two possible responses this horrible outrage: get out of Iraq. Now!
And imprison the man responsible, George W. Bush.
  How We Got Into This Unjust War   by Andrew Greeley
May 1, 2004

.......The war is a stupid, unjust and criminal war. It is a quagmire from which no immediate escape seems possible. Many more Americans are going to die so that American ''democracy and freedom'' can be imposed on the Iraqis -- whether they want them or not. Many more Iraqis will die, too. Americans who support the war share in its criminality.

  Mutiny is the only way out of Iraq's inferno   by Naomi Klein
May 1, 2004

The last month of US aggression in Iraq has inspired what can only be described as a mutiny: waves of soldiers, workers and politicians under the command of the US occupation authority suddenly refusing to follow orders and abandoning their posts. First Spain announced that it would withdraw its troops, then Honduras, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua and Kazakhstan. South Korean and Bulgarian troops were pulled back to their bases, while New Zealand is withdrawing its engineers. El Salvador, Norway, the Netherlands and Thailand will likely be next.

  Vigil For Iraq   From PAN
April 30, 2004


  Blair should listen to the experts   Financial Times
April 28, 2004

In possibly the most stinging rebuke ever to a British government by its foreign policy establishment, 52 former ambassadors and international officials have written to Tony Blair telling him he is damaging UK (and western) interests by backing George W. Bush's misguided policies in the Middle East. It would be comforting to imagine that their comments will be heeded.

  You stiff-necked people   by Carol Wolman
April 28, 2004

What's wrong with the American people? It's so obvious by now that Bush is a liar and a conniver, and an idiot to boot. He got us into the Iraq mess with deceitful tactics and a plan built on fantasy. No WMD, no Al Qa'eda link, no threat to the US. The only point was to control Iraq's oil. He's bankrupting the American treasury in order to enrich his oil buddies. And the fantasy has turned into a nightmare.

  20/20 Campaign - Dennis Kucinich…the eyes that see through the lies
April 27, 2004

We dream of waking up one morning in a world where everyone has adequate health care, free quality education pre-kindergarten through college, decent paying job opportunities, and a clean safe environment, knowing that we live in a safe world where we can once again travel freely, without fear.
Return to the Kucinich for President Official Home Page

  Conspiracy Kooks?   by Carol Wolman
April 27, 2004

Most Americans, including many liberals and critics of the Bush administration, have bought the official story that 9-11 was perpetrated by Al Qa'eda, and the only questions to be asked have to do with the failure of intelligence. Those who question this story and want to investigate other possibilities are dismissed as "conspiracy kooks".
As a practicing psychiatrist, I hear many stories from my patients about how they are being conspired against. Some of the stories are psychotic paranoia, others are all too real. A woman being abused by her spouse, for instance, is truly being persecuted, and the perpetrator may have the whole family convinced that she is "crazy". I would be remiss if I didn't take her story seriously.

  Former U.N. inspector talks 'real' Iraq policy   by Mike Fila
April 26, 2004

“President Bush poses the greatest threat to America that we have seen in modern history,” Ritter told an audience in the University Union's Potomac Lounge.   ~ ~ ~
Ritter, a former intelligence officer for the US Marine Corps who served as the UN's Chief Weapons Inspector in Iraq from 1991 to 1998, said the U.S. government “brought us into this war on false pretenses.”   ~ ~ ~
“Our real policy has been regime change,” Ritter said. “Our plan was to dethrone Saddam, not to find weapons of mass destruction.”

  Our Hidden WMD Program   by Fred Kaplan
April 23, 2004

Why Bush is spending so much on nuclear weapons.
The budget is busted; American soldiers need more armor; they're running out of supplies. Yet the Department of Energy is spending an astonishing $6.5 billion on nuclear weapons this year, and President Bush is requesting $6.8 billion more for next year and a total of $30 billion over the following four years. This does not include his much-cherished missile-defense program, by the way. This is simply for the maintenance, modernization, development, and production of nuclear bombs and warheads.

  Osama Bin Laden's Speech  
April 15, 2004

What is Islam? - a poem

War against Muslims
  by Larry Ross
by Carol Wolman
April 20, 2004
April 19, 2004
  Stop the killing in Falluja!   by Carol Wolman
April 15, 2004

At least 600 Iraqis have died so far, mostly women and children. Ambulances are being shot up, people are being told to flee the city and then stopped in the desert without food or water. These heinous crimes are being committed by the American military, no doubt following orders from Rumsfeld and Bush.

  Iraqis call for NZ to get out   by Amanda Spratt
April 14, 2004

"I find it very depressing when I see my own Minister saying he's feeling sad for the American people, but ignores the Iraqi people who are being killed, who are being dragged from their homes."

  Falluja - What is Really Happening   From Jo
April 11, 2004

The truth of what's happening in Falluja has to get out.
.......I'm outraged. We're trying to get to a woman who's giving birth without any medical attention, without electricity, in a city under siege, in a clearly marked ambulance, and you're shooting at us. How dare you?
How dare you?

  A Call for an Exit Door from Iraq   by Senator Robert Byrd
April 7, 2004

I have watched with heavy heart and mounting dread as the ever-precarious battle to bring security to post-war Iraq has taken a desperate turn for the worse in recent days and hours. Along with so many Americans, I have been shaken by the hellish carnage in Fallujah and the violent uprisings in Baghdad and elsewhere. The pictures have been the stuff of nightmares, with bodies charred beyond recognition and dragged through the streets of cheering citizens. And in the face of such daunting images and ominous developments, I have wondered anew at the President's stubborn refusal to admit mistakes or express any misgivings over America's unwarranted intervention in Iraq.

  Comment by Larry Ross    
April 4, 2004
  Should Messrs. Bush & Cheney Be Promptly Impeached
For Their High Crimes And Misdemeanor Offenses?
Author: Mr. Evan Augustine Peterson III, J.D.
  The Unmentionable Source Of Terrorism
  by Ellen Cantarow
March 24, 2002

34 years of Israeli policy have laid the groundwork
for its unholy war in the West Bank and Gaza

I am Jewish. I am a writer. From 1979 to 1989 I reported for The Village Voice, Mother Jones, Inquiry and other US publications from Israel and the West Bank. During those years I witnessed on the ground the rapid growth of Israel's settlements and the seizure of Palestinian land and water for them: today over half the West Bank's resources now are in Israel's hands. (About a third of Gaza's resources have suffered the same fate.)



  The World Still Says No to War!
March 20, 2004

 Momentum is building across the globe for the Global Day of Action against War and Occupation on March 20, the one-year anniversary of the U.S. bombing and invasion of Iraq.


  The slow death of the State of Israel
  by Andy Martin
March 16, 2002
  "Unless and until American officials stop playing politics with our Middle East policy, and unless and until Israeli politicians stop seeking to manipulate the American political process, Israel remains on a path for inevitable decline and ultimate extinction as a nation state."

  Comment From Larry Ross    
February 17, 2004
  Tommy Franks, a doomsday scenario
  by Robyn E. Blumner
December 7, 2003

The doomsday scenario was laid out by Gen. Tommy Franks, the recently retired head of CentCom, in of all places the December edition of Cigar Aficionado magazine.
"What is the worst thing that can happen in our country?" Franks asked rhetorically. "Two steps. The first step would be a nexus between weapons of mass destruction . . . and terrorism." The second step would be "the western world, the free world, loses what it cherishes most, and that is freedom and liberty we've seen for a couple of hundred years in this grand experiment that we call democracy."

St. Petersburg Times





February 16, 2004

Mr El Baradei is absolutely correct when he says that:
"We must abandon the unworkable notion that it is morally reprehensible for some countries to pursue weapons of mass destruction yet morally acceptable for others to rely on them for security - and indeed to continue to refine their capacities and postulate plans for their use."


  Al Gore: Bush Betrayed Us
February 10, 2004

The fear campaign aimed at Iraq was precisely timed for the kickoff of the midterm election campaign of 2002.
A brilliant paper by Al Gore, lengthy but very lucid


  The New American Century
  by Arundhati Roy
February 9, 2004

In January 2003 thousands of us from across the world gathered in Porto Alegre in Brazil and declared--reiterated--that "Another World Is Possible." A few thousand miles north, in Washington, George W. Bush and his aides were thinking the same thing.
Our project was the World Social Forum. Theirs--to further what many call the Project for the New American Century.


  Why New Zealand Should Stay Nuclear-Free   Press Release
by Larry Ross
January 30, 2004
  The Iraq War, New War Plans and Nuclear Doctrines
New Zealand's Nuclear-Free laws are under attack as being irrelevant, and a cold war relic. It's claimed that as the cold war is over, and U.S. has disarmed nuclear warships, N.Z. should rescind its Nuclear-Free laws.

  People First
January 20, 2004
  With such pressing needs on Earth, it is unconscionable for the White House to consider planning expensive adventures to the moon and Mars. President Bush's proposal would cost hundreds of billions of dollars to complete, saddling future administrations and the next generation with the costs and preventing other more worthwhile projects from being funded.
Times Record (Brunswick, Maine)

January 20, 2004
  Don't Give Up on the Media
  by Ernest Partridge
January 7, 2004

We must not give up on the media - we must not assume that the media's shameless promotion of George Bush is immutable - for if the corporate media continues its present course and repeats its performance of 2000, Bush has a lock on the election.


  International Criminal Court to Get Evidence of 'Illegality' of Iraq War
by Sanjay Suri
January 20, 2004

LONDON - A strong case arguing the illegality of the invasion of Iraq will be handed soon to the International Criminal Court at The Hague.
The report prepared by eight leading international lawyers and professors of law drawn from four countries makes a strong case against the illegality of the way British and U.S. troops fought the war.


  A strange thing happened on the way to the war.
  By Karen Kwiatkowski
January 19, 2004
  Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski, a former Pentagon insider, concludes her observations on the run-up to the Iraq war in this last of a three-part series.

  The sickness of Americans
  from Carol Wolman
January 18, 2004
  Americans are living in a psychotic bubble. The Bush regime is a disaster for the average American. Bush has wrecked the economy and the environment, lowered the standard of living, raised the paranoia level, and stirred up a hornet's nest in Iraq. Yet the polls show him likely to be re-elected. Perhaps the polls are all lying. Or are Americans completely out of touch with reality, lacking all common sense? It's sick!

  Our wish for 2004: to drive away all nuclear dangers from France and the world.  Paris Anti-nuclear Demo 17/01/04  

  About Those Neocons: Thinking Again, or Just Wondering?
  by Karen Kwiatkowski
January 17, 2004

From Inside the Pentagon

  • Iraq WMD was not an immediate threat
  • Inspections were working
  • Intelligence failed and was misrepresented
  • Terrorist connection missing
  • Post-war WMD search ignored key resources
  • War was not the best – or only – option

  America is turning into Mordor
  from Carol Wolman
January 17, 2004
  Mordor is a land of slagheaps and weapons factories, ruled by an all-seeing Eye that enforces his will through terror and slaughter. Sound familiar? Will our children become orcs or slaves?

  The CHOICE Before Us
  From Daniel G Keehn
January 16 , 2004
  • This is an historic moment of CHOICE.
  • This is the moment when we must choose LIFE or DEATH individually and collectively.
  • It is our responsibility to choose and to do it NOW!
  • YOU can create a 180 degree change in our politics and government leaders.
  • There is a man at the center of the worldwide cry for peace and change. His name is DENNIS KUCINICH, and he is one of the Democratic candidates for President of the United States.

  US Treasury to Probe O'Neill Book
  BBC News
January 13, 2004
  The US Treasury Department has called for an investigation into whether a former Bush government member leaked secret documents in his new book.
In the 23 months I was there, I never saw anything that I would characterise as evidence of weapons of mass destruction.
Paul O'Neill

  Critique of the war on terror- US Army War College by Dr. Jeffrey Record
Januray 11, 2004
In an article just published, Dr. Record delivers an extraordinarily blunt critique of where and why President Bush's "Global War on Terror" (GWOT) has gone wrong.


  Doug Rokke will speak in DC Sunday January 11, 2004
  by Chris Otten
January 8, 2004
  Gulf War veteran Doug Rokke, depleted uranium munitions expert, will speak at the: Martin Luther King Memorial Library (9th & G NW) at 1:30 PM on Sunday, January 11, 2004.
Depleted Uranium Munitions (DUM) have been used in US battlezones since 1991, the first invasion of Iraq. Many scientists link Gulf War Syndrome to DUM and hence why 10,000+ Gulf War Veterans have come home and died
of mysterious ailments while 100,000+ are sick and continue to die.
These munitions are known to leave the regions of the planet where they are used a toxic wasteland for billions of years.
So the question is...will leaving Iraq a toxic wasteland bring Iraqi's democracy and freedom?
This information cannot be kept quiet because continued use of Depleted Uranium Munitions will leave our planet a barren toxic wasteland.     Chris O.      http://www.dawndc.net/

  How Will Bush Deal With the Deficits?
  By Robert Freeman
January 9, 2004
  Connecting the Dots to Iraq

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