

Comment by Larry Ross, May 11, 2006

Blair fired Jack Straw for saying a military attack on Iran would be "completely nuts."  But part of the Neocon plan that Bush is now following, is the U.S. domination of the middle east and world oil supplies. Jack Straw knows that and so does Blair.

That includes war with Iran, which will likely be nuclear, because the Pentagon hasn't enough conventional forces available to consider an invasion and occupation of Iran. The Neocons want chaos and are promoting civil war in Iraq because they intend to occupy their new permanent military bases there for the foreseeable future. There will be no American withdrawal. They will be permanent quests 'invited' to stay by the compliant regime they have installed in Baghdad. They are needed to put down the civil war they have clandestinely started in Iraq.

Bush, will have public support that will rally around once he stages another 'terrorist incident' he can blame on Iran. The conditioned and deceived Americans will back his nuclear war on Iran, cheered onward by the ever-parroting mass media, who will support any Bush crime, and any Bush lie, no matter what the consequences might be. And they will never tell you what those consequences might be. They are apt to be horrific and may end life on this planet.

But our mass media is prepared to take any risks and even make the ultimate sacrifice on our behalf for their great leader - the nuclear madman in the Whitehouse. Never has any Mafia Don, enjoyed such loyalty and sacrifice of every human principal, as the loyalty shown toward Bush lies and crimes by the mass media. It is loyalty to the death, with a smirk on their faces as they slip the lie-laden knife into their reader's consciousness.



Progress Report: The Nuclear Option

By Evan Augustine Peterson III, J.D. , April 11, 2006


Dear Editors and Friends:
Just in case you've gotten the impression that the Bush administration isn't seriously considering a military strike against Iran using both conventional and nuclear weapons, see the Amercan Progress Action Fund's 4-10-06 Progress Report, "The Nuclear Option."

On the brighter side, there are limits to the U.S. military's loyalty to Mr. Bush, and high-ranking American military officers have stated that they are adamantly opposed to the use of bunker-buster tactical nuclear weapons (i.e., so-called "mini-nukes"). Moreover, British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw has publicly stated that the idea of a nuclear strike against Iran is "completely nuts."

Additionally, the Bush administration has only presented alarmist rhetoric, whereas they haven't presented any credible evidence. Hence, American politicians and journalists should be openly questioning the reliability of the intelligence behind the Bushites' allegations that: (1) a "nuclear crisis" exists vis-à-vis Iran; (b) Tehran is actively seeking a "nuclear weapons program"; and (c) Iran is somehow capable of "posing an imminent threat" to the USA and the UK with its non-existent phantom nukes.

Finally, we should be deeply skeptical about the legitimacy of the Bush administration's casus belli, because: (a) we know that the war-profiteering neocons prefer their illegal "Bush Doctrine of Preemptive War" to the civilized pursuit of diplomatic and juridical solutions; (b) we have every reason to believe that a conventional aerial strike against Iran would quickly escalate into a regional war with global terrorist blowback; and (c) their plan for a nuclear strike against Iran is "completely nuts," insofar as it would be both a monstrous war crime and a humanitarian disaster of the first magnitude.

With Best Regards In Peace And Solidarity,
Evan Augustine Peterson III, J.D.
Exexcutive Director
American Center for International Law ("ACIL")


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