
Born Again President Prepares to Kill Millions for No Reason

Comment by Larry Ross, March 31, 2006

Nobel Laureates and other prominent figures petitioned the U.S. Congress not to nuclear bomb Iran "regardless of whether Iran is in any way involved in an attack on the U.S." This plan is very much like the Pentagon's "Operation Northwoods" to blame and then bomb and invade Cuba in 1962, after a faked attack on the U.S. using U.S. covert action.

Petitioners were appalled at the Bush-Pentagon plan, which was justified with their Nuclear Posture Review, Dec 2001, and Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations, March 15, 2005 to "use nuclear weapons as a tool in warfare like any other".

The Iran and Cuban war plans were to proceed even though neither nation had committed the crimes for which they were accused. The Pentagon planned to do the crimes clandestinely and blame the nations they wished to attack, thus in one stroke getting the approval of Congress, the public and international community.

That raises the question of who did the 9/11 attacks in 2001? Bush blamed Iraq and told a number of other lies to justify an attack on Iraq, that Bushcons had planned for years. They claimed they need a new "Pearl Harbour" to justify their illegal war. Did their 9/11 "Pearl Harbour" just happen, or was it part of the plan - like the Northwoods Cuban plan which Kennedy rejected, and the Iran war plan which the Bushcons have accepted?

Professor Hirsch calls on all of us to take action to prevent this catastrophe.




Will The U.S. Nuke Iran?

Professor of Physics Highlights The Dangers


In an August 2005 issue of The American Conservative, former CIA officer Philip Girarldi raised the alarm over in-process Pentagon contingency plans drafted in preparation for another terrorist attack in the United States. The response includes a plan for a massive air assault on Iran with the use of both conventional and tactical nuclear weapons regardless of whether Iran is any way involved in such an attack against the U.S.

One month after the publication of Giraldli's warnings, physicists from around the world, including numerous Nobel laureates and prominent figures, signed a petition expressing their dismay at seeing the architects of Bush administration policy embrace the use of nuclear weapons as a tool in warfare like any other. The new US policy to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear countries has been officially formulated in two US government documents Nuclear Posture Review delivered to Congress in December 2001 and Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations dated March 15, 2005.

In the new video produced with the support of volunteers of the Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran (CASMII), the UC San Diego Physicist and signatory to the petition Dr Jeorge Hirsch outlines the devastating consequences that are certain to follow if the U.S. pursues a policy of deploying nuclear weapons. He urges the US public to ask the Congress to confront this possibility.



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