
Cicero - 106 BC to 43 BC

"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murder is less to fear"

Cicero Marcus Tullius - Born on January 3, 106 BC and was murdered on December 7, 43 BC.


Will we "Survive Treason From Within"?

Comment by Larry Ross, July 6, 2005

Many US commentators and groups (see listings on http://www.nuclearfree.org.nz/archives) believe that George Bush and his administration have engaged in many treasonous crimes and should be impeached. These include lying extensively to get US citizens to support and fight in his illegal wars; falsifying 2001 and 2004 election results so that he, not Gore or Kerry, would be thought to win these elections; making war, murder, torture, bribery, extortion, theft; endangering the US and humanity in general; continuous new lying, as well as repeating previous lies; etc, etc)

Some believe his Administration was implicated in committing the 9/11 attacks - the new 'Pearl Harbour' called for in the neocon PNAC papers. Without 9/11, his lies and war crimes would not be possible. So far, he has got away with all these crimes, consolidated and increased his power domestically and externally. He is absolutely committed to continue these crimes, and will likely increase them. There seems to be no serious and powerful opposition from the Democrats or others, such as the mass media, to Bush's administration and actions.

Yet the problems that he and his administration have brought to the US and humanity, are extremely serious. Unlike previous political leaders, George Bush and powerful, like-minded people in his administration, have the means to destroy all of mankind many times over. Already Bush and his English poodle - Tony Blair - have each threatened to use nuclear weapons before beginning their illegal Iraq war.

They have set in motion events and an expanding, endless war, justified by a self-permissive, sustaining ideology based on lies. This poisonous mix can rapidly expand to a nuclear holocaust and precipitate human extinction. No Government or most organizations have exposed the awful, diabolically evil truths and the unprecedented nature of man's predicament today.
A few in the US and elsewhere have dared to face the appalling truths.

Even worse, and not mentioned by most commentators, is that Bush also believes a Christian Fundamentalist ideology that can view his actions as doing "the will of God, in accordance with what he chooses to regard as God's Biblical promise of a fiery Armageddon for humanity, the final battle between good and evil, and rapture of himself and other Fundamentalists directly to Heaven". Whatever thoughts, and actions George Bush may do in this regard, are believed by millions of Americans to be "divinely inspired" and that George Bush was chosen by God to lead them at this perilous time. Bush has a core of solid domestic support and approval as well as an intimidated, fearful, ignorant or apathetic majority and a mainly "me too" Democratic 'opposition'.

His initial deceits and warmaking crimes were successful. His team were able to cheat with the electronic voting machines so he was re-elected. Even though Kerry won the presidential contest he wont expose Bush. Why?
So Bush expanded his crimes to widen and deepen the Iraq war, increase imprisonment, torturing and murder of so-called "terrorists" or other opponents, mass bombing of cities like Fallujah, extending the illegal war to neighbouring states and continues working toward a much larger war against Islam.

He also lowered the threshold for the use of nuclear weapons, trashing international disarmament treaties and
the War Crimes Court, and showed lack of concern for the dire immediate threats to and from the environment.
As an 'end times' Fundamentalist, why should he worry about the environment if the Lord (with Bush's help) is bringing on Armageddon?

All these actions indicate that Bush's belief system sustains his ability to commit the most dangerous and bestial crimes, and face the ultimate result - global destruction - with equanimity and with the certainty that it is the right thing to do, and in accordance with God's will. There is no such thing as immorality or criminality if you are doing God's will. For Bush and his fellow believers, what could be more moral and exciting than helping God bring on the Biblically prophesied nuclear armageddon, and being raptured directly to Heaven and everlasting life? It's 'end times in our times'. Bush knows he's right, so he rejects advice from eminent Republican supporters who disagree and offer him alternatives. In a saner culture people would know they are in the grip of religious madmen or those who adopt a religious ideology to justify their crimes.
To facilitate and create the right climate for these colossal crimes and discourage dissent, Bush's new mantras may be:

  1. If you believe in God, believe in Bush - his representative on earth.
  2. If you are patriotic, support the President in this time of war.
  3. You are either with us, or with the terrorists. There are no other choices.

Cicero suggests what we can expect if the treason continues.

The only way for the world to survive this danger is for people to understand and face it, and join with or support those who are trying to do something about it.
Let me know:

  1. what you think of Cicero's comment and my analysis?
  2. Is it all true, only some of it true and possible, or all impossible and insane?
  3. Should someone do something about it, or nothing?
  4. I haven't the time; I'm not concerned; I just want to forget it; She'll be right.

    Reply to: Larry Ross: webenquiry@nuclearfree.org.nz

    For more information see: http://www.nuclearfree.org.nz/archives

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