
Troops Out Now Demonstration in USA

Comment by Larry Ross, May 16, 2007


This US appeal has many interesting ideas that could be used in NZ and other countries.

One important missing factor is that the Bush Administration may stage a false terrorist attack on the US, then blame Iran in order to justify a US massive pre-emptive strike against Iran. Brzezinski and other eminent Americans have warned that this type of well-known 'false flag' tactic or something similar may be used to gain public and Congressional approval for the next war - Bush's long-planned war on Iran . Bush is getting desperate for many reasons, with a very unpopular expanding  Iraq war and dropping popularity. So listen to Brzezinski and others. Just because they're part of the right-wing establishment, is no guarantee that they are always wrong. Maybe they are scared out of their wits by this fundamentalist madman. 

If Bush does use this tactic, he may also justify taking further steps toward installing a de-facto military dictatorship in the US. This could include clamping down on dissidents, declaring martial Law, installing conscription, imprisoning some dissidents which Bush will label as "enemy combatants" and so on. The 'Troops Out Now Coalition' should include a reference to this - otherwise Americans will be fooled. They don't know what a 'false flag' is, or how this technique has been used many times by other countries as well as the US.  Search on Google for "False Flag Operations" for a million verifying articles.

There has been virtually no attempt in the US or elsewhere to educate the public on this proven technique to suddenly frighten and convert the public thereby gaining their support and participation for the war wanted by the elite and their obedient mass media. People must understand that Bush is a war criminal that has unjustly slaughtered over 600,000 people in an illegal war based on lies. He is capable of any further crime. It may be totally evil, but Bush can justify any new crime, no matter how great. Even using nuclear weapons, for which Bush has new pre-emptive doctrines approved by Congress, will be as easy as Hitler and his Nazis inventing pretexts to make war on countries in Europe and killing 50 million people. The Nazis thought they were moral and justified, as does Bush who tells us he enjoys the blessings and counsel of God for whatever he does. Who needs people's advice when you've got God on your side?  Bush doesn't like advice contrary to his views.

It is essential to stop Bush by working for impeachment now.  

Bush will do anything, anything at all, to manipulate public and Congressional opinion to support and finance his endless 'wars on terror'.

For God's sake, try and anticipate what Bush will try next and take action now to stop him. After he stages a false flag and then a pre-emptive strike on Iran, it will be much too late for effective action or protest. Bush wants a war with Iran; wants to use his nuclear weapons; wants your support, and he wants Republicans to win in the next election. This is not such a big assignment if Bush first unleashes a 'false flag' on an uneducated, gullible public.

So far he's got what he wants including deceiving Congress and having it debate absurd irrelevancies like a troop withdrawal schedule, or how the troops will continue to be financed.

Hey folks, that's bullshit talk while the rivers of blood get larger in Iraq. Rome is burning and Congress is fiddling. Why is Congress trying to dismiss impeaching Bush to stop his crimes now, according to Nancy Pelosi?




Troops Out Now!
Put the Antiwar Movement Back on the Street

September 29 -- March on Washington D.C.
Assemble at the Capitol -- March on the White House

September 22-29 --Encampment in Washington D.C.

Stop the War Abroard and at Home


This proposal is open to change. TONC welcomes and encourages discussion and suggestions for modifying and improving this proposal. Please endorse the proposal if you are in agreement. All are invited to an Antiwar Strategy meeting in New York City on Saturday, June 16 where there will be more discussion of this proposal, as well as others.

In the fall, (and summer) we must all be focused on jump-starting the mass movement against the war again. Our movement will not be a factor unless we:

  • demonstrate our independence from the major political parties;
  • make every effort to connect the fight against the wars abroad with the war on the people here in the U.S. ; and
  • continue to shift from protest to resistance.
    Can we not only have a march on Washington, but also occupy the occupiers for a week?  The time has come to try it, and that is why our proposal is not only for a march but also for an encampment prior to the march.

It was always clear to some of us, and its becoming more and more clear to all of us that Congress is not going to stop the criminal war and occupation in Iraq. Congressional calls for phased withdrawals have done little more than provide a cover for Congress to continue funding the war.

The greater problem is that the political posturing between Bush and Congress has reduced the demand for immediate and unconditional withdrawal of all troops from Iraq to arguing about establishing benchmarks.  The phony antiwar politicking in Congress has to a large degree diverted and usurped the mass movement on the streets.

Its absolutely critical that we take the struggle against the war out of the halls of Congress and put it where it needs to be -- back on the streets.

Congress is giving Bush and his generals until September to succeed in Iraq. The Pentagon should not be given another hour to wage their criminal, colonial war and occupation. The only significance that time should have for the movement is the time that it will take to organize so that the next phase of the antiwar struggle will be massive, militant and decisive.



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