Should Messrs. Bush & Cheney Be Promptly Impeached
For Their High Crimes And Misdemeanor Offenses?

Comment from Larry Ross

Further to the idea I discussed with you and put to PANNZ on March 29/04, about putting Bush, Blair, Howard etc, on trial on July 4/04 for War Crimes, the following email may have most things and links that we need. Impeaching Bush is similar to putting him on trial for war crimes. Some may feel that US politics is too remote for NZers, and should be left to the Americans. However Bush and his cronies have NZers and all people's life, death and nature of our global society in the palm of their hands. So we have a right to say what is to happen to us and to global society and whether we live or die. Do we want Bush's endless wars, perhaps deteriorating into a global east/west conflict, and then growing into nuclear war? This prospect may be attractive to participants of the notorious 'military/industrial complex' and their hangers-on who plan to make fabulous profits from every war. For the rest of us the prospect is endless killing and death, and learning to adjust ourselves and adjust our children, into becoming the mindless cannon fodder and 'coalition of the willing' servants demanded by the military machine and its allies.
As so many of today's trends show, Orwell's famous book: 1984, may become even more true if we don't act.

The Bush Impeachment proposal is well advanced in the US and NZ could make a significant contribution.


Should Messrs. Bush & Cheney Be Promptly Impeached
For Their High Crimes And Misdemeanor Offenses?

by Evan Augustine Peterson III , April 04, 2004

"I have been truant in the law, and never could frame my will to it, and therefore frame the law unto my will."
-Suffolk in Wm. Shakespeare's Henry IV, Part 1, 2.4.7-9

A considerable and mounting body of evidence strongly suggests that George W. Bush, like Suffolk before him, neglected the study of law, finds that he cannot conform his will to it, and so makes up laws of his own. Therefore, two issues are raised: (A) "Do Americans want to be constitutionally governed by the rule of law, or unconstitutionally governed by the rule of scofflaws?"; and (B) "If 'yes" to the former, should Mr. Bush be promptly removed from the presidency through the constitutional remedy of impeachment?"

However rightly or wrongly, serious-minded Americans have been coming forward to publicly propose exactly that remedy! For instance, on this past Friday, veteran pundit Daniel Shorr strongly suggested that impeachment is a fast-approaching reality: Clarke: Bush's John Dean?

And former Nixon White House counsel John Dean has just written a new book, Worse Than Watergate: The Secret Presidency of George W. Bush (Little Brown & Company, April 2004), in which he concludes that Mr. Bush and several high-level Bushites have committed no less than eleven major abuses of power, his preferred legal remedy for which clearly would be Mr. Bush's constitutional impeachment.

Additionally, last Friday Boston attorney John Bonifaz and progressive activist Bob Fertik published a fiery essay in - Impeachable Offenses. Despite the upcoming presidential election, they: (1) recommended the impeachment of Mr. Bush; (2) made a credible case for the prompt commencement of impeachment hearings; but (3) left unstated their legal basis for impeachment, which is the US Constitution's Article I at Section 2 (see the final clause) and Section 3 (see the final four sentences), and Article II at Section 4.

On the one hand, our bicameral legislature is firmly in the grip of extremely-partisan Republicans, so the scenario of bipartisan regime-change through a constitutional ouster appears to be, at best, highly unlikely. One the other hand, what if the House of Representatives does somehow manage to promptly impeach Mr. Bush, but the US Senate delays its conviction until AFTER he's been reelected? Vice President Cheney then would become our next president, which is to say that a mendacious-but-vacuous puppet will have been succeeded by its Machiavellian puppetmaster!

Therefore, it's strategically obvious to almost everyone that Messrs. Bush and Cheney must be impeached together, or not at all. Furthermore, responsible American citizens ought to realize it's their duty to carefully examine the case for impeachment.

Happily, a coherently-argued constitutional case against Messrs. Bush & Cheney has been assembled for us at this website:   "Impeach Central: Restoring Justice & Reclaiming Our Democratic Rights"
When you get there, you'll want to download and read the specific evidence in their Articles of Impeachment, which you can do by locating the menu on the left side, then clicking on the button that's labeled "Impeachment Kit."

Conclusion: After you've contemplated the rationales for impeachment, the specific charges, and the supporting evidence, you must be the preliminary-hearing judge; assuming their case is sound, your unflinching holding should be "Yes, Messrs. Bush and Cheney must be promptly impeached for their high crimes and misdemeanors!"

The Bottom Line: It's impossible to predict whether the commencement of an impeachment hearing before an election will be productive or counterproductive electorally, yet the seasoned pundits are increasingly sensing that the time has finally arrived for the American people to "let the chips fall where they may" by exercising their constitutional duty to preserve democratic governance under the rule of law, and to do so by imposing their sovereign will on an ostrichlike US Congress; therefore, please boldly affix your "John Hancock" to this  
"Petition To Impeach President Bush & Vice President Cheney"-- if you still want to live inside a sweet land of liberty!

Finally, if the click-ons above didn't work, you can:

(1) read Daniel Shorr's 4-2-04 essay, "Clarke: Bush's John Dean?,"

(2) read John Bonifaz & Bob Fertik's 4-2-04 essay, "Impeachable Offenses,"

Author: Mr. Evan Augustine Peterson III, J.D.



The Nonpartisan National Campaign to Impeach Bush, Cheney, Ashcroft and Rumsfeld (CIBCAR) is led by Professor Francis Boyle at the University of Illinois.

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