Israel : Influence on US Peace Movement and US Mid-East Policies Comment by Larry Ross, July 10, 2007
This is one of many articles I see dealing with the influence of Israel on US Mid-East policies, and how deeply it's agents and activists have penetrated US society. Not mentioned but very important is how Christian Zionists and 'End Time' religionists, link Israel and their favourite myth of 'God's final battle of Armageddon' to Israel's preservation. It is a potent mix in which George Bush as a fervent Christian Fundamentalist End Times believer, plays a vital role. The end result will be huge wars; the use of nuclear weapons against Iran and an unknown series of catastrophes. This will not benefit either Israel or the US. Although the US peace movement may seem paralysed, as do peace movements everywhere including New Zealand, they are not dead. Every day I get US notices of peace actions and Marches planned on Washington. Even Cindy Sheehan has come out of retirement to lead a march on Washington. I hope they will become as active as they were in 2003, including activism to prevent Bush's planned war on Iran. This would be the biggest war and is very much agitated for by the Zionists in Israel and Zionist neocons in the USA. If it happens, with millions dead but somehow not triggering a World War III, people will wonder why they were so apathetic beforehand about this threat. Somehow they have been persuaded that they must not object to any of the war policies of the Zionists, for fear of being called anti-Semitic. Thus Israel is allowed to do as it pleases and more or less lead the US by the nose.
US Middle East Wars: Social Opposition and Political Impotence by James Petras, July 4, 2007
Everywhere I visit from Copenhagen to Istanbul, Patagonia to Mexico City, journalists and academics, trade unionists and businesspeople, as well as ordinary citizens, inevitably ask me why the US public tolerates the killing of over a million Iraqis over the last two decades, and thousands of Afghans since 2001?
Why, they ask, is a public, which opinion polls reveal as over sixty percent in favor of withdrawing US troops from Iraq, so politically impotent? A journalist from a leading business journal in India asked me what is preventing the US government from ending its aggression against Iran, if almost all of the world's major oil companies, including US multinationals are eager to strike oil deals with Teheran? Anti-war advocates in Europe, Asia and Latin America ask me at large public forums what has happened to the US peace movement in the face of the consensus between the Republican White House and the Democratic Party-dominated Congress to continue funding the slaughter of Iraqis, supporting Israeli starvation, killing and occupation of Palestine and destruction of Lebanon? |