
Endless U.S. Empire?

Comment by Larry Ross, December 15, 2005


Ernest Partridge's article shows how thoroughly U.S. Democracy has been hi-jacked by the Bush Administration and Republican Party. It implies that the Democratic Party has become a corrupt adjunct of Bush Republicans. Elected representatives of both Parties are joining in history's greatest conspiracy to defraud the American people of their Democracy, rob them and send them to die and be wounded in endless wars based on lies. They keep the American people in line by:

  1. using mass media as their propaganda arm
  2. arranging endless phoney "wars-on-terror". The mass media can be relied on to tell the people what they should think, why they should accept the lies of the Bush Administration as 'truth', and what thoughts are wrong and unacceptable.
  3. Enacting 'Patriot' laws to suppress and intimidate critics.

I don't think the very real fear of sparking off a war that will envelope the world is any longer a deterrent to these types of people, or to the apathetic population. The new Neocon doctrines and practices indicate that they are infected with an impenetrable hubris. In short they have become 'drunk with power', and believe they can get away with any crime. They can do anything they want to anyone including making up reasons to take the U.S. into war. Their crimes have been very successful. They have created the 'new realities' they promised and regard that as 'proof' that they were right. Their crimes served a good national purpose. They naturally cover themselves in virtue and many references to Godliness and divine guidance.

This is a very potent force in a nation where polls show that 61%(more or less) of the population believes the Bible is the inerrant word of God. Naturally this majority accept as gospel truth, whatever their god-inspired, fundamentalist Christian President chooses to tell them. They are a captive, media and culturally-conditioned audience. No wonder they are not concerned that Bush's potential use of nuclear weapons could kill millions and lead to doomsday for everyone. They say that is the Armageddon predicted in the Bible and should be welcomed, not feared. Many yearn for it. Whatever may help bring on a nuclear Armageddon is part of our heavenly destiny. They think that George Bush is chosen by God to lead us at this time.

Sane and rational people who would like human civilisation to continue, while developing solutions to our many global problems, seem to be a disorganised, uncommitted, disillusioned, weak minority.

It seems as if evil and corruption has triumphed in our world, and now guides humanity into ever greater depths of torture, war and mass death? The Republicans have control of U.S. voting machinery, and government. They have reason to believe they can perpetuate themselves and crimes even when George Bush leaves office.




Dear Howard Dean: Why Bother?

Ernest Partridge, December 13, 2005

Dr. Howard Dean, Chair
Democratic National Committee

Dear Dr. Dean,

Every week I get dozens of solicitations from the Democratic National Committee, from the Democratic Senate and Congressional Campaign Committees, or from various Democratic candidates and office-holders, each of them asking for contributions. “You can help us achieve victory next November,” I am told.

If by “victory” is meant a majority vote cast at the polls, then the Democrats achieved “victory” in 2000, 2002 and 2004. And yet, the Republicans remain in control of the Congress and the White House.

Small wonder! Republicans build the voting machines, Republicans write the secret software, Republicans count and compile the totals. The Republican machines allow no auditing of the vote totals they report. So Republicans have the ability to “win” elections, regardless of the will of the voters. There is compelling evidence that they have done just that.

And so, if nothing is done to end the privatization of our elections and to introduce reliable verification, the Republicans will "win" again in November 2006 and then in 2008. Today, eleven months before the mid-term election, the outcome is fore-ordained – as certain as Soviet elections under Stalin, and Iraqi elections under Saddam. For, as Stalin said, "Those who cast the votes decide nothing, those who count the votes decide everything.”

In the United States today, the GOP counts most of the votes, and there are no means to verify up to 80% of those votes.

In view of this dreadful situation, when the Democrats ask me for a contribution I must reply: “What’s the point? It’s already been settled! What remains is an empty charade.”




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