
Comments on John Howard's Melbourne speech on May 26

by Larry Ross, June 1, 2004

May 28,
Letter to Editor Published in Christchurch Press

John Howard's Melbourne speech (May 26) committed key facts in order to justify Australia's continued participation in one of history's most fraudulent wars.
To justify the war President Bush lied to the world: that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction - even nuclear weapons; could launch an attack any time; had links to al-Qaeda and the 9/11 attacks, etc. Howard echoed these lies. He still does in his speech, even though the US won and there was no weapons of mass destruction, al-Qaeda, or 9/11 links.
The justifications shifted. Saddam had to be captured and freedom and democracy given to Iraq. He was. Now the US is choosing a client regime.
It enrages Iraqis with attacks, bombings and the most degrading and obscene tortures. That leads to increased Iraqi resistance. The US and Howard call it "terrorist", then use it as an excuse for more US-led force.
Howard justifies this vast deception in his speech.

Larry Ross
Nuclear-Free Peacemaking Association


on John Howard's Melbourne speech in May

Australian, US and UK actions are not a war on terrorists. Saddam and Iraqis had nothing to do with attacks on the US and nothing to do with terrorism and according to the UN had no weapons of mass destruction.
The US is not encouraging democratic values. They are appointing a client regime and using massive force against any Iraqi opponents. They violated international law and the UN Charter by invading Iraq. Now they are violating the Geneva Agreements
by torturing and sometimes beating and killing innocent prisoners. Howard must share the blame for these crimes.
The so-called "coalition of the willing" is not giving new hope to the Iraqis or other peoples in the Middle East. They are financially supporting Israel in its illegal occupation and destruction of Palestine and waging a bloody and particularly vicious war against Iraqis. Hated in the Arab world for it's aggression and torture methods, the U.S. and allies are seen as a very big threat - not only to other Middle East states, but to the whole world.
The US and allies are not giving democracy to Iraq, Palestine or any other middle east country. They are giving them war, death destruction and the promise of more to come. They are determined to stay in Iraq and have stated they intend to use extreme force against any resistance.
John Howard cannot camouflage the terrible damgage he is doing to Austalia's reputation by echoing Bush's lies and illegally joining US aggression, and destabilisng the world and international order.
John Howard, along with George Bush and Tony Blair, will have to face reality: that they have committed a terrible series of war crimes for which they should stand trial at the International Criminal Court. They should stop now, rather than continue these crimes to make an ever bigger war.


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