The CHOICE Before Us From Daniel G Keehn, January 16, 2004
This is the moment when we must choose LIFE or DEATH individually and collectively. It is our responsibility to choose and to do it NOW! YOU can create a 180 degree change in our politics and government leaders. There is a man at the center of the worldwide cry for peace and change. His name is DENNIS KUCINICH, and he is one of the Democratic candidates for President of the United States. Congressman Kucinich is the best candidate to enact the changes necessary for our survival. His policies are based on common sense and they will enable the U.S. to rejoin the world community-not as a power over, but as a partner with--other nations. The Congressman has presented a Bill in the House of Representatives to create a Department of Peace as well as one that will ban the weaponization of space. We have the opportunity to make him President of the U.S. if we act now! We are told by the 'powers that be' that he is not electable. Actually it is in our power to make it SO! The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington, D.C. and the Army War College have issued reports that confirm what Rep. Kucinich has been telling us about the war in Iraq. Both are saying that this administration has misled the American people. The War College assessment is that this conflict is 'unnecessary' and has brought the U.S. Army to a "near breaking point." An estimated 40 to 50 percent of the American people feel disenfranchised, disenchanted, frightened and embarrassed by the policies of this administration. For those considering opting out of the next election, there is now within the Democratic ranks SOMEONE TO VOTE FOR! It is important for you to vote for Rep. Kucinich and encourage all other Americans to do so. "Business as usual" is a dangerous option. Learn more about this man of truth, courage and integrity at his website http://www.Kucinich.us, phone his headquarters, donate as much as possible to his campaign (only if you're a U. S. citizen), and think of all the ways you can help make this CHOICE in front of us a reality. Click on his website and under STATEMENTS read The Electability of Dennis Kucinich. This is a time for action. The future is in our hands. We hope that people in every country will help spread this email. Send it to your American friends, get information about this planetary movement to the media and help us bring hope and cooperation to our world by electing Dennis J. Kucinich President of the United States. Come my friends, let us create a better world together! Thank you for listening and making your CHOICE Concerned Global Citizens Follow the link to hear Presidential Candidate Dennis Kucinich's legendary speech A Prayer for America at http://www.APrayerforAmerica.us |