
US 'Stop War on Iran' organisation action to prevent war

Comment by Larry Ross, November 30, 2006

This is an excellent statement and action we can use in New Zealand to help Americans stop another unjust, illegal war by the Bush Administration against a non-nuclear state. I hope NZ labour unions, groups and individuals will take advantage of this fine initiative.




Labor Speaks Against War on Iran

The following resolution, opposing U.S. military action and threats against Iran, was passed unanimously by the San Francisco Labor Council.  

This is an important victory for antiwar activists in the labor movement.  Let's keep the momentum going--We encourage you to work to get similar resolutions passed in your unions, Labor Councils, City Councils, churches, schools, student governments, clergy associations, tenant organizations, community groups, etc.  Send us copies of the resolutions you pass--ALL these resolutions will be posted on Stop War on Iran web site. (Send them to resolutions @ stopwaroniran.org.)

Help build a movement to stop a war on Iran:

San Francisco Labor Council Resolution - Adopted by Unanimous Vote Nov. 27, 2006
Resolution on Threat of Military Action Against Iran

    Whereas, no evidence has been offered that Iran possesses weapons of mass destruction, even after many inspections by the International Atomic Energy Agency; yet the Bush administration continues to threaten aggressive measures against Iran on the grounds that Iran may be developing nuclear weapons; and

    Whereas, the U.S. government seeks to impose U.N. sanctions on Iran for continuing to develop its uranium enrichment program, which Iran asserts is strictly for non-military production of nuclear energy. At least ten other nations enrich uranium in order to produce nuclear energy, and the US is not threatening to attack them; and

    Whereas, Iran has signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty and was the first state to call for a Nuclear-Free Zone in the Middle East; and

    Whereas, Israel, Pakistan, India, North Korea, as well as China, France, the U.S., Russia, and Great Britain -- all have nuclear weapons, with the U.S. possessing a larger stockpile than of all the rest of the world combined; and

    Whereas, the U.S. government campaign against Iran's development of enriched uranium appears to be much like the misinformation campaign waged by the Bush administration before the war on Iraq to justify its unprovoked invasion and occupation of Iraq; now the Bush administration once again seeks to stoke unjustified fears to win public support for military action against Iran; and

    Whereas, the U.S. government has dispatched a Navy carrier group to the Persian Gulf off Iran's western coast, as well as ships capable of mining harbors, for naval exercises that some observers believe could serve as the prelude to an attack or other military action, such as mining Iran's harbors; and

    Whereas, published reports of  intelligence recently gathered by U.S. Special Operations forces in Iran suggest that the U.S. has identified hundreds of targets in Iran, in preparation for a possible military attack on that country; and

    Whereas, the U.S. government has a long history of interference in the internal affairs of Iran, including the well-documented CIA-engineered 1953 overthrow of Iran's democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh, who nationalized Iran's oil; and the US role in installing and backing the brutal regime of the Shah of Iran;

    Therefore be it resolved, that the San Francisco Labor Council, AFL-CIO,  hereby declares its opposition to U.S. military action against Iran, and urges all organizations with which it is affiliated  to demand that Congress take measures to prevent any such military assault, and rather, to promote diplomatic non-military solutions to any disputes with Iran; and   

Be it finally resolved, that the San Francisco Labor Council join with other antiwar forces to organize mass popular opposition to any military assault on Iran, and to respond rapidly should such an assault occur.

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