
The Nuclear Threat is Greater than Ever

Letter to NZ Herald by Larry Ross, January 2, 2006

Nuclear war threats have never been greater, according to Dr. Helen Caldicott an international expert, author and lecturer on nuclear issues. Accident, miscalculation, intention or madness, can precipitate a holocaust.

Thousands of Russian and U.S. missiles are kept on hair-trigger, ready-to-launch alert. Nuclear weapons have spread to 9 states. New nuclear warfare doctrines claim the U.S. President can launch a pre-emptive nuclear war strike against any state, if he believes that country might develop and use such weapons against the United States.

The Iraq war proved how wrong the U.S. can be, as no nuclear weapons or WMD were found. Also, the President can now use nuclear weapons as an extension of conventional military operations. Bush and others who may implement these policies risk destroying the world. Planning to use nuclear weapons violates international law.

Therefore the Council should warn the public about nuclear dangers, refurbish the Nuclear Free NZ art on Karanga Rd, or establish new Nuclear Free NZ art elsewhere. A new informative Council pamphlet on nuclear dangers, could help educate the public about why our nuclear free laws are as relevant today, as when David Lange declared New Zealand nuclear free in 1984.

Larry Ross,
NZ Nuclear Free Peacemaking Association


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